If you’re in the Raleigh area this Saturday 4/28, consider attending the Write Now! writing conference, hosted by the Triangle Association of Freelancers. It will be a full day of panels for fiction and nonfiction writers, with lots of networking opportunities. Advance registration closes tomorrow, Thursday, 4/26 at 5pm! Walk-ins are welcome on Saturday.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the Write Now! conferences I’ve attended in the past. I love hearing from writers who are successfully making a career at writing, because that’s what I hope to do. It’s incredibly informative and inspiring to be able to listen to them and pick up a lot of wisdom.
If you’re a writer who’s never attended a writing conference I encourage you to consider it. There’s a wonderful energy to being around so many others who are doing the same creative thing you are. It’s very motivating to me to hear other’s success stories. I’ve heard people talk about overcoming difficulties on their path to success, and I realized that I can too. Writing and publishing are difficult, so finding ways to stay confident in what you’re doing is important.
You may also consider joining a local writer’s group. For some that may be less intimidating than a large conference – though if you’re introverted like me even the small group can be nerve-wracking! I was nervous the first few meetings I attended – after all, I wasn’t a ‘real’ writer like all these other professionals. I have gained a wonderful support system for my writing and business though, so that early discomfort was well worth it.
It’s important that we have support when we’re starting out on a new path in life, and writing groups and conferences can both provide that. If you’re a new writer check out local writing groups, conferences, conventions, and even Meetup.com events.
I’d love to hear about your support network in the comments!
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