Write Now! 2019, an excellent writing conference, is on Saturday April 27th from 9am-5pm. It’s organized by The Triangle Association of Freelancers. All types of writers are welcome to attend. I’m getting really excited about it! I love coming together with other writers and learning from them, and I always learn so much at Write Now!
I’m really looking forward to the craft session by Joseph Finder, Great Beginnings for Novelists. He’s an accomplished thriller writer so I’m hoping to pick up some good tips for adding suspense to my novel.
The Finding Our Poetic Voices Inside Our Stories panel with Jaki Shelton Green, NC Piedmont Laureate for poetry, looks interesting. I’m curious to see what she will present, and how that might apply to my writing.
There’s a panel on writing and selling romance fiction that promises to be interesting. Romance is the largest fiction genre and is often at the forefront of books sales and marketing so I’d love to pick up some good marketing tips.
I’d love to be able to attend both Seeking Grammartopia and An Interview with Joe Finder but they’re at the same time-a classic conference conundrum. I’m planning to attend Joe Finder’s interview so I can learn more about his writing.
I’ll be doing registration in the morning, and then attending panels. I’d love to meet some fellow sci-fi writers so feel free to stop and say hi!
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